Comments on a Church letter to Theodore I Laskaris of Nicaea.

Theodore Laskaris was one of the first byzantine nobles to demonstrate a strong resistance in front of the Fourth Crusade. After 1203 Theodore moved to Asia Minor and established his power-base in Prousa and later moved his military seat in Nicaea. He gradually became the dominant ruler in Western Asia Minor and subdued all the … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Comments on a Church letter to Theodore I Laskaris of Nicaea..

Theodore I Laskaris: the Lion of Nicaea! A BIOGRAPHY.

Emperor Theodore I Laskaris (1205-1222) depicted as Saint Theodore the Stratelates/General (Theodore of Heraclea) slaying a beast. The historian Niketas Choniates, in his first mention about Laskaris, calls Theodore “a daring youth and a fierce warrior”. When the Fourth Crusade made its appearance outside the walls of Constantinople, Theodore lived true to those words and … Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε Theodore I Laskaris: the Lion of Nicaea! A BIOGRAPHY..